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  • Caryn Shaffer, Treasure Coast Newspapers

Q: A unit owner in our building suffered water damage in his unit due to a clog in his drain pipes. He is claiming that the Association should pay for all of the repairs inside the unit. Coincidentally, this owner does not have insurance and the drains have otherwise been working fine. Is there any merit to the owner’s claim?

While electric vehicles have more or less been a novelty over recent years, many indicators are concluding that they will proliferate in much greater numbers in the near future.

If the indicators are correct, that means you or your neighbors will probably have one or more of these cars parking at your condominium soon. The question arise who is going to pay to charge up the electric cars?

In South Florida where planned communities are common, condominium associations—and homeowners’ associations—are often the norm, not the exception. Florida Statutes Section 718.103 defines a condominium association as “any entity responsible for the operation of common elements owned in undivided shares by unit owners, any entity which operates or maintains other real property in which unit owners have use rights, where membership in the entity is composed exclusively of unit owners or their elected or appointed representatives and is a required condition of unit ownership.”

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